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Why Manchester Neuro Physio

Why Manchester Neuro Physio

Nemaline Myopathy causes weakness and tightness in major muscle groups that may worsen over time. Neurological physiotherapy is essential to maintain range of movement, strength and mobility. Regular physiotherapy treatment will prevent a reduction in independence and it will improve quality of life over time.

At Manchester Neuro Physio, we provide:

  • Knowledgeable physiotherapists with experience of nemaline myopathy
  • Supportive, understanding and positive staff
  • Regular and last minute appointments available
  • Treatment specifically tailored to individual client
  • Home exercise programs
  • Therapeutic training to family or carers
  • Therapy in one of our clinics or at your home
  • Joint sessions with more than one physiotherapist are available as required
  • Hydrotherapy as part of your individualised treatment plan
  • Physiotherapists who are experienced liaising with a variety of insurance companies

At Manchester Neuro Physio, our clinicians are experienced in the assessment and treatment of those with nemaline myopathy. We understand that tight muscles can cause significant pain and discomfort. This can reduce your ability to transfer and move around. Your therapist will work with you towards your individual goals by problem solving and suggesting various mobility aids in order to increase your independence.

Your physiotherapist will provide exercise programs for you to practice at home between therapy sessions. We can teach your family or carers how to carry out stretches in order maintain your range of movement in bed or the chair. Treatment is available at home, in one of our clinics or within a residential facility.

Depending on the individual assessment, our neurological physiotherapists may liaise with other appropriate health practitioners in order to provide optimal holistic care. For example, with your consent, we can speak to your NHS physiotherapist or your GP. Our colleagues at Manchester OT can provide equipment or adaptations to the home and Manchester SLT can provide communication aids or swallowing assessments.

To talk through your treatment needs and to plan an initial appointment call 0161 883 0066, Book now or alternatively request a free phone consultation.

Nemaline Myopathy

To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 .