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Treatment for Post Amputation Rehab

Treatment for Post Amputation Rehab

During the initial stages of the introduction to the prosthesis, an individual will need to be reintroduced to balancing their body weight through both legs. A PAMM aid is used which an inflated limb which will help an individual prior to weight is bearing through their prosthetic. Parallel bars are the safest method to practise. In addition to the PAMM aid, functional tasks will be introduced into the treatment plan which could include obstacles, walking up and down stairs, changing speed and direction, walking on uneven surfaces and decreasing any fear of falling through education of how to fall safety and step by step methods of how to recover if an individual were to be on the ground.

Regular goal setting will ensure the physiotherapist and patient have a clear pathway of what they are working towards and these goals will be regularly reassessed and any changes made if necessary.

Physiotherapy treatment for amputees will involve patient and carer education. Patients should feel confident in the use of their prosthetic with care and consideration on ensuring no pressure sores are made through incorrect sock or liner application. Guidance, support and advice will be provided by our physiotherapists throughout each stage of the rehabilitation process.

To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 .